Non-Emergency: (815) 455-1559
1713 Route 176, Crystal Lake, IL 60014
About Us
A Message From Our Chief
Welcome to the Nunda Rural Fire Protection District! I am proud to serve as Fire Chief of a District made up of some of the hardest working individuals in the fire service.
Please take this opportunity to view our organization and the various sections within it, and understand the many ways in which we serve the community. Our website is updated regularly to make sure we provide information that is relevant and of interest to readers.
Social media also makes keeping in touch with us easier than ever. Make sure to visit our Facebook account for upcoming event notifications and public education material.
Again, thank you for visiting our webpage. The members of the Nunda Rural Fire Protection District are proud of our rich history and our tradition of excellence. We welcome your comments and look forward to serving you in the future.
Chief Michael Keenan